Timestamp: March 2016

Every once in a while I want to post a little about a particular moment in our lives. Whether it's just the silliness of pop culture or changes with our family, I just want to make sure they're remembered and timestamped for the future.


ONE | We have our very first niece. She was born right around Thanksgiving and she is absolutely beautiful. I can't wait until she's a little older and can hang out with us more. I hear "aunting" is the best! Plus, now I totally have a legit reason to look at baby clothes, so I don't have to feel so weird. 

TWO | One of our very best friends is away at basic training right now and we sure do miss him! We know he's doing great and maybe these 10 weeks will fly on by until his graduation day. 

THREE | One of our other best friends is now a married man! After their 7/11 engagement, elopement on the beaches of the Philippines and honeymoon to Japan, we celebrated with their families back here with the perfect house party celebration. So happy for them!


ONE | The coach is SO busy right now. I've known my whole life that football coach's wives have a rough few months during football season...but, now I know how much work and time away from home goes into being a Cross Country/Track coach too (plus, he's also coaching club volleyball in-between) "Quality time' last week was when I took him to the airport at 4:30 a.m. 

TWO | Playing sports is kind of at a standstill for him right now (as if he'd even have time). We're waiting to see if shoulder surgery is in the cards soon. He is sure missing playing volleyball, for sure.

THREE | I think we have finally found the perfect gaming chair. That sounds redic, but it's been a thing in our house. My sister gave us her Poang IKEA chairs and they are super comfy. Most video game chairs are made for children (as they should be), but this one looks promising for my tall gamer. 


ONE | I've started a new job in my school district within the last few months, focusing in social media, sharing stories and all sorts of other fun things. I am so much more productive, interested and excited about what I'm doing each and every day. It is SO great! Totally right where I'm supposed to be. 

TWO | My mom got a Silhouette cutting machine back in the fall and I have been making sure it lives up to its fullest potential. Seriously, I want to add vinyl labels to everything I own. So far, I've dressed up my family's Yeti cups, a giant Easter egg, custom onesies for a friend's baby and a cake topper for my Gran's birthday cake. It is the MOST entertaining thing, let me tell you. 


ONE | I am so into my R&B/Soul/Acoustic Pandora station right now. I started it off with "Tyrone" by Erykah Badu and thumbs up and down from there. It's the perfect blend of Lauryn Hill, Adele, Erykah Badu, India.Arie and Jill Scott. 

TWO | As far as "catchy" new stuff goes, Rihanna's work work work work work is hard to hate. Every time it comes on the radio, my dance moves go to work for sure. 


ONE | I will be honest here and admit to binging "Fuller House" as soon as it arrived on Netflix. I'm not even mad at it because it's so much better than I expected. It's corny, but not in the sappy-life-lesson sort of way. It's more of a nastalgic-inside-joke corny and I totally loved it. 

TWO | Our favorite show is "New Girl" and we watch it together every single week. Let me tell you, this season has been absolutely killing it. More Winston Bishop (all the time) please! If you've never watched, the first 4 seasons are on Netflix and the regular season comes on Tuesdays on Fox. It is our generations answer to "Friends," but even better. 


ONE | Fitbit is the app I love to hate. I DO NOT get enough steps in each day. As someone who drives to work, sits at a desk, works on a computer and drives home to the comfort of my couch almost every single work day, it has been a huge reality check. I'm now parking further, taking walks during lunchtime and volunteering to make any trips to other offices/departments. Being health-conscious is definitely not a bad thing. 

TWO | Most of my Instagrams lately are touched up with A Color Story app by A Beautiful Mess. I seriously need it to stop raining around here so I can go take some colorful photos truly worthy of the editor, but it really is a lot of fun to play with. It costs about $8 to download all the filters/effects. Demo and basic editors are free. 

Happy Sunday!