Painting Little Pumpkins

On the very first Monday of Fall, the girls and I did some pumpkin pickin'! We didn't go to a patch, but Kroger had plenty for us to choose from. We each got a small one that could fit in our hands. "Baby pumpkins," we called them. 

We used acrylic (non-washable) paints, so we got out our special craft smocks...better known as trash bags. We cut a hole for the arms and head and put them on upside down. They work really well. No clothes were harmed in the making of these pumpkins. 

[P] spent her time with a sponge brush and ended up with a tie dye pink and yellow pumpkin, while [K] took her time and painted her very favorite animal, a kitty cat. 

Painting pumpkins is a lot of fun! No messy pumpkin gunk to clean out and it gives even a 3-year-old the ability to make something really cute and fun. No knives or scary tools necessary.