Highway 80 Sale Weekend

My hometown is along Highway 80, so I grew up knowing the wonders of Highway 80 Sale Weekend. Twice a year (on the third weekend of April and October) every little town and city along the highway has one giant yard sale. Antique shops, stores, churches and houses all along the road host yard sales of all sizes. You can just drive along and see tent after tent with all kinds of fun finds underneath!

While the highway itself is over 2,000 miles long, the current participating states are Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. One day, I'd love to get out beyond my hometown area and see for myself if the other states commemorate this weekend as well as we do in East Texas. 

This year, the weekend fell on my sister's birthday and that's all she wanted to do to celebrate. Us and our parents went out both Friday and Saturday morning. It was a little less packed than normal (as it was also Good Friday and Easter weekend), but we found plenty of unique items to buy and browse. 

My dad is always on the hunt for tools and the rest of us are just looking for cute stuff for our homes. We hit the chair jackpot at one particular stop. A man sold us all these chairs for $5 each. I grabbed the gray rolling desk chair and my sister got the other two. We also got beautiful handmade wooden Texas cutouts for the same price!

While we only ended up with those few great items, it was still so much fun to browse and hang out with my family! You can see a little more of our trip around East Texas here:

Learn more about the Highway 80 Sale by visiting their website, keeping up with future events on Facebook or checking #Hwy80Sale on Twitter and Instagram