2017 Target Easter Haul

My sister was in town this weekend and it was the perfect excuse to go out for a Target holiday haul (and have some company along with me). We didn't go crazy because we're working on some restraint, but we did get some goodies. Hopefully I'll be in a house by the time next spring rolls around, so I'll actually put some effort into decorating for it (this year, I just didn't even try). 


I'm so happy I found quite a few neutral items for the Easter holiday. I feel like they will all fit in with whatever decor is already going on in any room. The wooden eggs were my absolute favorite. I don't think I've ever caught them on sale, so that was a really fun find. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with those puffy shapes, but they were too cute to pass up. 


Once Easter Sunday is over, I'll still be able to have all these items out for a couple more months. They are small little pops of color that will make an impact without being too distracting. 


Of course, can't do this season's haul without hitting up the candy aisle. This is Coach's favorite part of all my trips, mainly because these are almost all for him. Along with the usual candies, I got some snack foods like beef jerky, goldfish, s'mores and mixes. 

Check out #AllThingsTarget to see
what others are getting too!


Don't forget: I use #DFWTarget on Twitter and Instagram when I find cute things/sweet deals. Feel free to use it to share the good things you find in our Dallas-area stores!