Wedding Redo: Bridal Portraits

My first wedding anniversary is just days away, which is so hard to believe! As I was getting all excited, I started reminiscing on our big day.

Along with all the wonderful memories I have, my bride-mind got in the way and I started thinking of the little things that didn't go as planned. When preparing for a wedding in less than 6 months (or any amount of time, for that matter), it's pretty certain that not every single thing will go just perfectly. Instead of dwelling on any of those tiny things that went wrong, I decided to just give them a "redo" this year!

As a photographer, I'm ashamed to say that I forgot to book and get bridal portraits taken. Totally slipped my mind. This is known as the most special outfit a girl will ever wear and I forgot to have it photographed. I still have my dress, veil + bouquet (diy pinwheel "flowers" for the win), so I asked my sister to take some shots of me last weekend. I may be a few pounds heavier and my hair is certainly redder, but it's still "me," which makes it fine. 

If you're loving my pinwheel bouquet (it's something from wedding-day you can actually keep), be sure to check out how I made it and all my bridesmaids' bouquets. All you need is a few supplies and a little patience. 

Something about that dress was super attractive to my parent's cat. I'm actually surprised we got so many without her in the photo. She loved laying on that dress. Ran back to it, no matter how many times we said, "no."

So, am I crazy for putting on my dress again and taking pictures a year later? Probably. Will I do anything else with these images? Probably not. Am I glad I did it, even if they're so late? For sure! Bridal portraits: check and mate. ☑