Battle of the Pumpkin Coffees

As soon as any glimpse of Fall arises, the #pumpkinspicelatte frenzy fills all of my social media feeds. Most people get their Fall-fix at Starbucks, but I was interested to know how the other drinks hold up against the green powerhouse. Last night at our weekly Grey's|Scandal watch party, I brought 3 different lattes for my friends and I to smell, taste and compare. 

So, go on ahead and meet us judges. We each fit into a different category of hot drink lovers and we explained what we like most in coffees and pumpkin spice lattes. Perhaps you match up with one of us?

I labeled the bottoms of tiny styrofoam cups to show where the drink was purchased and the side of the cups were labeled A, B and C for each person. It's hard to do a blind-study on yourself, that's for sure. Once it was all set up and drinks were poured, we got to the test. Out of 5 stars, each of us gave our opinions on both the smell and taste of each drink. Here are our super-scientific results: 

C + Bs. Not too bad. 

Both Failing grades. Hmmm. Interesting. 

A + B honor roll!

Overall, we agreed that Mcdonald's version is the best for the taste buds and the nose, while Race Trac was a close second. Starbucks is somewhere down there at the bottom in both taste and smell. When you look at pricing as well, it makes no sense for us to ever go get the most famous lattes of the let's just cut Starbucks completely out. At Mcdonalds, you will get less liquid for your penny, so if the budget is tight, go ahead and walk inside a Race Trac and pour your own for $1.50. If you're feeling a splurge, we say drive on through the McCafe. 

Do you agree or disagree with our findings?