Frozone + Mrs. Incredible

To celebrate the dress-up holiday this year, I did something I don't normally like to do: non-DIY costumes. Yep. We purchased a costume! He'd been planning his outfit for quite a while (kind of a running joke with some of the kids he coaches that he's Frozone). So, Frozone he was! I wanted to get in the Pixar fun and coordinated in an Incredibles outfit..this was a little more DIY, as the shirt is the only thing I bought! 

Just like last year, we left our Halloween treats on our porch before we headed out for a night with friends. I'm not sure if I just live by really honest people or my fun little sign sounds a little more threatening than I mean for it to: "Just Take A Few...The Goblins Are Watching You." We always come home to lots of candy left. I'm just waiting on the year for someone to dump the entire thing or take the bowls with them! So far so good. 

I joined in the Teal Pumpkin Project this year and offered treats for kiddos that may have different food allergies. Honestly, after purchasing some of these fun things, I may get rid of candy altogether. It's (a whole lot) cheaper, gives the kids some variety in their bags and doesn't melt or stick or cause cavities!

We had a great night hanging out with friends, handing out goodies to trick-or-treaters, watching old scary movies and doing our best at making some pumpkin masterpieces. 

I love seeing all your Halloween pictures. Don't forget to set all your microwaves, ovens, cars and manual clocks back an hour sometime today. If not, you may be really late this week. Happy November!