Whataburger Wedding?
If you follow me on Twitter you saw a plethora of @whataburger tweets Sunday night around midnight. Here I am writing to explain myself!
I've had this crazy idea in my head for QUITE some time, like before I was engaged. I have dreamt of a buffet wedding reception that offered breakfast for dinner...and not just any breakfast: a Whataburger breakfast feast. That's probably a bit silly to some of you, but I'm so truly serious!
Good ol' Whataburger holds a special place in my heart because it reminds me of that awesome man I'm marrying. His love of Whataburger breakfast was one of the first facts I learned about him way back in 2008. Knowing that, the first birthday gift I bought for him was a Whataburger gift card (a bit of a tradition now, 3 years strong). Because of his constant Whataburger-breakfast-munching, I was able to fall for my other true love: the Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit. *cues hallelujah chorus*
My 22nd birthday started off with a HBCB :)
Seriously, if you're not from the South (sorry Northerners, you don't have access to Whataburgers...yet!) or have never tried a Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit, you are missing out in life. It's honey, it's butter, it's chicken on a BISCUIT! Come on now. It doesn't get any better.
Because of my love downright obsession with Honey Butter Chicken Biscuits and the wonderful company that gives them to me, I need to live out my dream of a #WhataburgerWedding.
There's a bit of a problem with this dream, though.
1. Whataburger breakfasts are served from 11pm to 11am.
2. My wedding begins at 5pm and the reception should crank up about half an hour after that.
So, smart people of blog-world: How can I buy hundreds of fast food breakfast items before 11am and keep them scrumptious for a dinner-time reception? Help me! :)
I did some research tonight (after I tweeted that I would change my wedding colors from yellow and navy to orange and navy in honor of Whataburger) and decided I could totally pull it off. Here's a little bit of awesome that I found:
In summary, blog friends: 1. How cool would #whataburgerwedding be? 2. What should I do about getting 11am breakfast to my 5pm wedding? 3. TWEET my favorite company and let them know I love them! (PS: Their social media team is awesome. Follow them!)