Birthday Date

My new fiance and I spent the afternoon of my birthday visiting two of our possible wedding venues, Lofty Spaces and Off The Grid. Both are awesome places in Dallas, TX. If you're ever in the area and need a venue, be sure to check them both out!

After venue-shopping we headed to one of the last Krispy Kreme donut places in DFW. On our way there we realized we hadn't eaten "real food" yet, so we stopped by Cane's for some fried dinner (I really haven't gotten on my lose-weight-for-your-wedding kick yet, obviously. Maybe next week!)

Finally we got to the dessert of the day, the best donuts in the world. No joke, I want to have a table of Krispy Kremes offered at my wedding. I think everyone would LOVE it. 

It was a great day spent with my new fiancé. Someone brought up that this was probably my last birthday with my own last name. I'm so excited to take his and be "Mrs. Pyron" for the rest of my birthdays :)