2014 Target Christmas Haul

This weekend, I did my usual Target after-Christmas holiday hoarding shopping. When I tried on Saturday (Jan. 3) all items were still sitting at 50/70% off. Thankfully, I decided to wait one more day to make my purchases. I got there right as the store was opening its doors for the day on Sunday (Jan. 4) and it was finally marked 70/90% off. For the most part, I got food for Coach's lunches (he's a candy/snack fanatic) and enough gift wrapping for myself, my sister + Mom for the next holiday!

Here's what I got: 7 gift bags, 14 rolls of wrapping paper, 2 bags of bows, gift tag stickers to last a lifetime, 3 stockings, 3 leopard santa hats, set of 2 stocking holders, 2 beads and 2 light strands for our Mean Green tree, gifts for my cat-neice, 2 gift sets of tea, 2 boxes of candy cane coffee, 2 sausage and cheese sets, tortilla chips, 2 bags of cookie goldfish, 3 boxes of Market Pantry snacks, 2 bags of Muddy Buddies, 3 sets of chocolate candy + 2 containers of Archer Farm Rudolph Mix!

I never want to spend more than $50 on these trips, since these aren't true necessities. After browsing my two favorite Dallas Targets (Love Field + Montfort), I met my goal: paid a grand total of $48.19 and saved $214.55. Not bad for 63 items! 

Did you have any luck with good 90% off finds this weekend?